Thursday, December 3, 2009

How Calcium and Magnesium Imbalance Contribute to Hair Loss

How Calcium and Magnesium Imbalance Contribute to Hair Loss

There are many factors that affect hair loss. Hair loss is usually a subtle disorder that increases over a period of time. Often hair loss is associated with disease. Furthermore, there are many people who suffer from hair loss because of conditions such as stress, dandruff or diabetes.

Sometimes other diseases or chemotherapy can also cause hair loss. Hair loss is also caused by a deficiency or overabundance of certain minerals or nutrients. Calcium and magnesium imbalance is a common contributor.

A deficiency in the minerals magnesium, zinc, or calcium affects how the hair is nourished. A lack in these important minerals may eventually cause the hair to fall out. Furthermore, too much calcium in relation to the amount of magnesium in the body can also negatively affect the hair.

A lot of times females have too much calcium in their body in relation to magnesium. This calcium and magnesium imbalance stems from eating too much sugar. Eating too much sugar can cause the body to become insulin resistant. When a lot of sugar is eaten, insulin levels become very high, thus taking the calcium from bones. Then the calcium gets deposited into the body's soft tissues, and as a result, calcium and magnesium levels in the body become unbalanced.

In general, nutrients and minerals greatly affect a person's health. Often, we do not consider just how important these minerals are. Many foods have magnesium in them. Therefore, it is rare for a person to have a deficiency in magnesium. However, deficiencies in calcium and too much calcium are common problems.

Doctors can analyze a strand of hair and determine if there are any mineral deficiencies. This is another sign that the proper mineral balance is very important to hair growth. Other factors affecting hair loss include thyroid and the free radical damage. However, poor diet is one of the most common factors.

To maintain the proper magnesium and calcium balance, eat things like pumpkin seeds, which contain plenty of magnesium. Try to drink three glasses of milk per day or consider getting calcium from leafy greens like romaine lettuce. Other sources of calcium include strawberries and broccoli.

To prevent surges and insulin levels that create calcium overabundance in the body, decrease intake of processed and sugary foods. Keep track of how much sugar you consume per day and make a habit of substituting natural foods like fruits or nuts for more nutrition.

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