Thursday, December 3, 2009

Laser Hair Removal - It's a Beautiful Thing

Laser Hair Removal - It's a Beautiful Thing

Unwanted body hair has been a bane for women (and - yes - even for some men) since the dawn of time. Scammers still prey on body hair-haters by promoting questionable products that are supposed to "permanently" remove unwanted hair. But the truth is, really permanent solutions have only been seen with the use of laser technology. Here's more about laser hair removal.

How does it work?

Pulsing laser wavelength technology targets the coloration in the hair follicles, effectively preventing the re growth of hair in that particular area. The beauty of laser treatments is that because of the melanin absorption there is not damage to the pores nor do they damage the skin tissue surrounding the hair follicles, so the treatment is minimally invasive.

Do I only have to get treatment once?

The simple answer to the above question is "no." Most areas targeted for laser hair removal will require 3 to 6 visits in order to obtain the most permanent results. How many treatments you'll need depends on: (a) your skin type and hair color and (b) the growth cycle of your hair. Of course, if you are having large areas done such as your back or legs, the duration of the treatment will be greater but not necessarily more treatments as smaller areas.

Does it hurt?

Some people experience a slight pinching sensation, but today's virtually painless laser hair removal techniques allow the removal device to glide gently over the skin, creating a cooling sensation that is not at all unpleasant. Those who have extremely sensitive skin have the option of applying a topical anesthetic prior to treatment if they wish to. Some swelling and reddening can be expected after each treatment, but these symptoms subside within a matter of a few hours.

Laser hair reduction has become so in demand that engineers are constantly improving the technology, to create more efficient and improved methods every year.

Where can I get painless laser hair removal?

Whether you need rel=nofollow []Utah laser hair removal, Pennsylvania hair removal, or laser services anywhere at all in the continental United States, there is an experienced team of professionals near you who will help you get the silky smoothness you've been looking for. The most popular venues for the treatment are luxurious day spas, where you can get pampered and fussed over and leave feeling gorgeous.

Thanks to painless laser hair removal, you really do have options besides old-fashioned and ineffective electrolysis treatments, shaving, waxing, or using depilatories. Laser hair removal really is a beautiful thing.

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