Wednesday, December 2, 2009

What's The Real Cause Behind Men's Hair Loss And How To Prevent It From Happening To You

Much as men don't like it, the reality is that hair loss is a natural part of growing old for many of them. Genetics have a lot to do with it, so hair loss and baldness are basically inevitable for many men once they reach middle age. It's also true, though, that hair loss can occur in men, women and even children, as a result of other conditions.

Hair loss is almost always embarrassing for the sufferer, but it's possible to disguise the problem in numerous ways, including using hats, wigs or scarves to cover up any bald patches. If you do find yourself losing hair for no apparent reason, it's important to consult your doctor. Hair loss may be a symptom of a more serious medical condition, so the sooner you get an accurate diagnosis, the less your chances of developing potentially serious complications.

We all grow and shed hair every day, it's a natural part of our body's renewal process. Mostly hair grows at the rate of around one centimeter each month. Sometimes, though, a traumatic experience such as a major operation, a medical condition or just old age can cause the growth rate to slow down. This can mean that older hairs are shed faster than new ones are grown, result in thinning of the hair or even baldness. Many women lose hair as a result of an imbalance in hormones, and it's quite common post pregnancy. In these situations hormones can be used to treat the problem, by restoring the hormonal balance and so restarting the usual pattern of hair growth.

Depending on the cause of your hair loss, it's quite possible there's a treatment available that will be of assistance. Many people suffer from hair loss as a result of medication they are taking, so often your doctor can simply change your prescription to reduce this possible side effect. Where infection is the suspected cause, then treating the infection efficiently can stop the process of hair loss. Hormonal imbalances can be corrected with the right combination of hormone medications.

There are also many medications that can promote hair growth, some of which are available over the counter, with others only available on prescription. But don't expect to see miraculous results overnight. Usually it takes at least six months before you'll see any noticeable improvement, and some patients also suffer some unpleasant side effects from these medications. If you find hair growth medications ineffective, then you might want to consider purchasing a high quality wig. These vary enormously in quality and price, but can be almost impossible to detect if they're chosen correctly.

If the amount of hair you're losing concerns you, or you're worried you might have a medical condition, then consult your doctor immediately. He will be able to investigate the symptoms you describe, suggest any tests that could be useful, and basically give you an accurate diagnosis of what exactly is happening. Once that is established, he can also suggest a treatment program to assist you. You can also discuss any fears or concerns with your doctor, and have your questions answered.

For more []hair loss prevention tips try visiting [] where you will find hair loss remedies, resources, tips and advice to include []how to pick the best hair loss product in order to promote hair growth and prevent balding.

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